Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: Hi, I’m Charlie Girl.

Where do you live? Lota.

How long have you lived at Lota? Nearly 15 years!

What’s your favourite local walk? The path to the dog park.

What’s your favourite food? I am definitely a carnivore – I love liver or kangaroo.

What’s your worst habit? As I’m nearly 16 years old, I don’t like going up or down stairs. This princess prefers to be carried!

Your favourite place? Lota dog park.

Your best friend? I have lots of friends at the dog park, but my oldest friend is my neighbour, Pepper.

Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories to tell? Everyone thinks I am cute when I do my meerkat impersonation.

What do people love most about you? I am pretty chilled and like most dogs, I love being scratched behind my ears.

Name: I’m Winnie.

Where do you live? I’m from Manly West.

How long have you lived there? All my life – two years and six months.

What’s your favourite walk? I love the waterfront where I see all my other four-legged friends walking.

Your most treasured toy? My orange frisbee.

What’s your favourite food? Yorkshire puddings with roast beef and gravy, and roast potatoes
go down a treat too!

What’s your worst habit? Barking at the neighbours or birds in the back yard… I’m trying to be good!

Your favourite place? Lota dog park with my friends.

Your best friend? My boyfriend Murphy – he is super-cute and very popular!

Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories to tell? The first time I went to the beach I barked at the waves…now I just love the water, and any chance I get to sneak through the pool fence I’m straight in that water! I’m quick!

What do people love most about you? I’m a mixture of cattle dog, labrador, blue heeler and something else, so when I’m at the dog park, I’m known to herd and chase other dogs, but I’m very easily distracted when a human shows me food! Yum! I’m a friendly little pup who loves snuggles.

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