A photographic perspective: high lighting - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Photos by Bob Darling, AAPS.


As a long-term resident of Brisbane, I am amazed by the amount and level of continuous development that occurs within Brisbane City, its river and surrounds.

Currently there is considerable construction in progress including new bridges, ferry terminals, a casino, a theatre and numerous office and residential buildings.

On my regular visits to the city there is always something new and interesting to photograph.

These photographic opportunities are greatly enhanced in the late afternoon and evening when the city is bathed in light and colour.

Colourful sunsets are often at the start of this light show which builds with the progressive illumination of the city’s bridges and buildings. The bridges include a regular change of colour and become the linkage for one’s eyes to the city and its brightly lit tall buildings.

“High Lighting” is a small collection of images in which I have endeavoured to capture the essence of this daily lightshow.

Brisbane is already a very modern and sophisticated city with its own colour, style and beauty. Its favourable reputation amongst residents and visitors will surely grow. It is a city that should make us all feel very proud.

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