Dental anxiety can be crippling, but there is help available! - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


Dental anxiety is common, but there are some great ways to manage it. Dental anxiety is a term used to describe fear, anxiety, or stress in a dental setting. Some signs of dental anxiety are sweating more than usual, racing heart, low blood pressure, crying, and feeling nauseous.

Being scared to visit the dentist can result in delaying or avoiding dental treatment, which can result in worsening dental disease, therefore a greater need for emergency treatment and more complex treatment. All these things can mean you can fall into a vicious cycle of dental anxiety, as a trip to see your dentist is never simple, often meaning you’re in pain before you come!

However, if you’re able to find ways to manage your dental anxiety and can work with your dentist to bring your oral healthcare treatment up to date, the good news is that you can move to a preventive relationship with your dental care. That means a trip to the dentist is your routine examination and clean, rather than an emergency appointment because you’re in pain!

It’s especially important to speak with your dentist about how they can support you to access treatment if your anxiety is stopping you from completing treatment. Some ways which your anxiety can be managed at Dental on Cambridge include asking us to play your favorite meditation, playlist or audio book through our noise-cancelling headphones, watching some peaceful moving art on our ceiling mounted TVs, taking some medications prior to your appointment to help you relax, or accessing our onsite nitrous gas commonly known as ‘happy gas’ during your routine examination and clean or during required treatment.

Our team is also more than happy to book some extra time for your appointment if you need more
time with our dentists to talk through your preferred treatment settings and solutions. Need some extra support to get your dental care under control? Why not give our team a call on 3348 6661 or book online

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