Wynnum’s inaugural Halloween parade wrap-up - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Photos courtesy of Light Planning Media.


FROM WYNNUM COMMERCE INC (WCI)The inaugural Wynnum Halloween parade was haunted by an overwhelming 6,000 to 8,000 ghouls, ghosts, zombies, scary clowns, dinosaurs, hairy beasts and a few mere humans braving it in fishnet stockings and heels.

The effort made by the bayside community was awe-inspiring, and Wynnum Commerce Inc (WCI) would like to thank everyone who attended the event and, in particular, the countless individuals who went over and above with their costumes and make-up. WCI appreciates the individuals who joined the parade and took the time to entertain and pose with the little humans. High-fives all around!

The paranormal event would not have been possible without the Ghost Busters, Beetle Juice, the Terminator, Van Helsing and the Los Angeles Police (oh yes, and the Wynnum Police), and WCI thanks all the amazing supernatural beings and their vehicles for parading down Bay Terrace and making it fun for all the creatures, young and old.

WCI would also like to thank the local haunts in Wynnum CBD for getting into the spirit of things by dressing up their shop fronts and providing sweets by the thousands for the sticky-fingered trick-or-treaters.

The free community event would not have been possible without the generous support of the sponsors, in particular Ampol, BCC, Joan Pease MP, and Councillor Peter Cumming.

WCI has been graciously awarded a grant to hold the parade in 2023. Here’s to a better and bigger night of fright in 2023!

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