Essential service provides care to our community - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


Meals on Wheels has had a place in the hearts and homes of Queenslanders’ homes for more than 60 years. Wynnum Manly District Meals on Wheels is no different, having performed the same in our community for over 54 years.

Every day a friendly smile, a chat about the weather, a nutritious meal and knowing someone will drop by to say hello, changes the lives of so many Queenslanders.

“Meals on Wheels is a compassionate connector of people that delivers care and empathy with every one of our nutritionally balanced meals, making recipients and their families feel safe, supported and a member of the wider community,” says Wynnum Manly District Meals on Wheels President, Ken Edwards OAM.

“We nourish bodies and hearts, which grow better communities, and as our volunteers will tell you, reaching out and making a difference in somebody’s day, makes their day.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Meals on Wheels underwent multiple changes in operations with services rapidly adapting to the government’s new restrictions while managing an increase in demand as an essential service, operating in a COVID-safe manner.

“Staff and volunteers have recognised the urgent need to protect themselves, protect our clients, protect their families and friends by having the vaccination as an urgent and high priority,” said Mr Edwards.

Mr Edwards said the majority of staff and volunteers at Wynnum Manly District Meals on Wheels have now received at least one vaccination and many, the two required.

Have you had yours yet?

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