Outings that reconnect and recharge: anglicare’s helping hand - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Photo: Supplied.


For many people, particularly seniors, feelings of isolation can become overbearing. Anglicare Southern Queensland’s bus and social outings offer a powerful solution, providing a much-needed escape and a chance to reconnect with others.

These outings foster a sense of belonging and community by creating opportunities to make new friends, and share experiences and laughter with others. Participants rediscover their local area, venturing to exciting new places or revisiting cherished landmarks. From museum visits to park picnics, these outings offer a welcome change of scenery and a chance to have some fun.

The program also allows carers to take a well-deserved break, knowing their loved ones are safe and cared for. This respite time allows them to recharge and return to their caring role with renewed energy.

The outings encourage both physical and mental activity. Stepping outside the house, engaging in conversation, and participating in new activities, all contribute to overall wellbeing.

Anglicare’s bus and social outings program is empowering for many, offering friendship, connection and a chance to rediscover the joy of life’s simple pleasures.

“Regardless of the activity, we always have a tonne of fun, and I go home feeling great,” says Kath, an Anglicare Southern Queensland Social Group client.

Anglicare Southern Queensland’s social support, day respite and lifestyle services are available to clients through a range of government-funded packages and programmes, or via fee-for-service.

If you would like to find out more information about Anglicare’s outings, social activities or day respite services, how to access them, or what funding support is available, please give them a call on 1300 610 610 or visit their website www.anglicaresq.org.au/carer-support/respite.

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