Men’s shed members hit the streets to deliver for charity - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

You may have seen Men’s Shed members in their distinctive blue shirts walking down your street with copies of The Community Leader in hand. The good news is that every copy delivered to a bayside letterbox contributes to funding the Mater’s Little Miracles charity.

Members of the Wynnum Manly and Districts Men’s Shed are taking the opportunity to use the delivery of The Community Leader to raise money for a charity dear to their hearts: Mater Little Miracles.

More than 2,000 babies receive round-the-clock care at Mater’s Neonatal Critical Care Unit each year. Mater’s Little Miracles raises money for lifesaving research that contributes to better outcomes for critically ill babies.

As elder statesmen, many members of the Men’s Shed have first-hand experience with ‘premmie’ babies in their own families and feel strongly about supporting this cause.

They all agree they couldn’t imagine life without their little ‘treasures’, especially after seeing these beautiful babies survive the fight of their lives and grow into delightful, active and inquisitive toddlers.

Men’s Shed members are happy to share their joy after being gifted the miracle of life because of the research conducted by Mater’s Little Miracles.


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