Donatelife supporters celebrate the gift of life - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Photos: Supplied.


The Bayside turned magenta recently as more than 150 DonateLife supporters converged on the Wynnum Manly foreshore to participate in the annual Gift of Life Walk.

A staunch organ and tissue donation advocate and bayside local Margie Kruger started the walk supported by family and friends in 2021, aligning with the national Gift of Life Walk held in Canberra each year.

Margie has advocated for organ and tissue donation awareness through DonateLife since her partner passed away while waiting for a lung transplant in 2007. Like many other generous Australians, her partner was able to help others by donating tissue.

In 2017, Margie was invited to be a member of the National Organ and Tissue Authority Board and, after this, joined the Organ and Tissue Authority Advisory Board.

At the Gift of Life Walk, Margie and the Local Member for Lytton, Ms Joan Pease and DonateLife Queensland State Manager and Nursing Director Tina Coco AO thanked all for participating in such an important and meaningful event.

Margie thanked those participating in the walk for their dedication to making a difference in others’ lives.

“This Gift of Life Walk acknowledges those waiting for life-saving transplants and the care and generosity shown by donors and their families,” said Margie.

“Ultimately, the walk is about encouraging the conversation about organ and tissue donation with your family. It takes less than one minute to change someone’s life by registering as an organ and tissue donor at”

Around 1800 Australians are waiting for a life-saving organ donation, and more than 14,000 people on dialysis may one day benefit from a kidney transplant.

Margie warmly thanks the Rotary Club of Wynnum and Manly for attending the Gift of Life Walk and providing walkers with a welcome free sausage sizzle and fruit at the end of the walk. Thanks also go to Benny for the coffee, which DonateLife kindly sponsored, and thanks to Ms Pease for the support again this year for the walk and for providing the water for the event.

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