GUIDING YOUNG GIRLS TO REACH THEIR POTENTIAL - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


The Australian Guide Program is a non-formal educational program based on shared leadership and decision making for all ages.

It consists of four main elements: physical, people, practical, and most importantly, self. The program includes a variety of activities that focus on self-development in the areas of practical skills, physical development and relationships with people that align with age groups and interests.

The young girls are involved in decision making, planning, implementing, and evaluating their activities. Within the structured unit, participants will be a member of a Patrol (4-8 girls), where experiences are learned and shared. Guiding is about being part of a team. Leadership development begins with the youngest Guides and develops through a staged approach as the girls mature.

The program is underpinned by a Discover, Decide, Plan, Do and Check process that enables individuals, family, and leaders to monitor progress.

Guides have fun, whether that be outdoors, indoors or contributing to community-based outcomes.
As an Australian and world-wide organisation, girls and young women have the opportunity to have a voice, work individually and together towards common goals, and be the best they possibly can be – all in a structured and safe environment.

Local leader, Yvette, invites parents of aspiring young girls to discover what’s happening in 2021 – please email [email protected].

Photos: Girl Guides QLD.

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