Saints Alive: Men’s Shed gives back to the community - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Kerri White is collecting essential items for those experiencing homelessness. Photo: Supplied.


Members of the Wynnum Manly and District Men’s Shed were assisting at a recent garage sale on a Saturday morning and were honoured to meet a wonderful, saintly lady named Kerri. Kerri was doing the rounds of garage sales buying winter clothing, tarpaulins and plastic boxes, generously donating the items to people experiencing homelessness in Wynnum to combat the cold and the rain.

While delivering donations, we learned from our members that Kerri also buys large lasagnas, cooks them at home, and delivers hot meals to the homeless with her mum’s help. Such admirable generosity is astounding.

From conversations, it is interesting to learn that not all tent dwellers think of themselves as homeless but only temporarily dislodged due to circumstances such as employment termination, relationship breakdowns and exorbitant rental increases.

The Men’s Shed is consulting with its members, with some success, to find generous people who would be prepared to offer short-term accommodation for a reasonable rent, topped up with an agreed amount of hours of yard work and housework.

With the help of the community it is our hope that we may be able to arrest and reverse the trend of this alarming and unfortunate social problem in our local area.

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