MARINE RADIOS ARE A VITAL LIFELINE - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


Nigel coordinates a rescue operation from the Coast Guard’s radio room. Photo credit: Hugh Webster

In today’s modern world, many boat users rely on mobile telephones for emergency communications. This can cause challenges when boats are in mobile phone blackspots on the Bay, or the phone battery runs dead.

“A handheld or mounted VHF radio can make the difference, providing a lifeline to monitoring stations on land – although radios are not just for emergencies, they are also used for weather updates, advising about hazards to navigation, and communications between boats,” Coast Guard radio officer Nigel Moore said.

One Sunday each month Coast Guard Brisbane conducts public radio courses, accredited by the Australian Maritime College, that licence people to use VHF and HF radios.

The Long Range Operator Certificate of Proficiency (LROCP) and Short Range Operator Certificate of Proficiency (SROCP) courses cover theory on how radios work and how to make calls, and includes practical demonstrations on using handsets.

“I try to keep the training relatable based on my experience in the Merchant Navy,” Nigel explained, “and I usually tell a few salty sea tales as well!”

If you’re interested in doing a radio course, contact Nigel for further details via email at [email protected].

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