Are you a sparky? Repair Café needs your help - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


Repair Café Brisbane Bayside is a not-for-profit organisation run by a group of volunteers who, for two hours a month, repair household items that would otherwise end up as landfill. Items repaired include toys, bikes, small appliances, garden tools, electronic games, and audio systems.

To date, repairs to electrical items like lamps, vacuum cleaners, etc., have been done by volunteers under the close supervision of a licensed electrician. Unfortunately, he is no longer available to attend, and we are looking for a licensed electrician to help us out.

If you know a local electrician who can spare just two hours on a Saturday afternoon, please ask them if they can help. The bottom line is that without an electrician, we are unable to undertake electrical repairs. If you can help, please call Chris at 0413 619 047.

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