Local Gardening with Kat: Jumping Jackfruit! - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


If you read my blog, you would already know about my jackfruit escapades. If you don’t read my blog, you should! But I’ll forgive you for now and update you.

Quite a few years ago, I stopped at a garden on the side of a country road that had plants advertised. It was a very eclectic mix with an equally eclectic owner, and although I couldn’t find anything of value to buy, I admired the large arching tree she had in the centre of the garden providing lovely, dappled shade – a jackfruit tree she told me.

Now, I was slightly naïve, having developed most of my garden love and experience in cooler climates, and it didn’t occur to me to really investigate. I knew what jackfruit was, I liked it (cooked green), and I loved this tree. So off I went and acquired one.

It turns out hers was probably not the best specimen, and they don’t grow like that at all, but have rather dense foliage, and, due to their propensity to develop said jackfruit (which can weigh up to 50kg!), are best kept pruned so you can reach them at harvest time. Handily, jackfruit are cauliflorous, which means they bear their flowers (and subsequent fruit) directly off the trunk and large branches, so the heavy fruit are at least well supported. But well supported or not, you don’t really want bowling balls hanging above head-high.

My little tree had a rough start to life, but this summer, it finally gave me my first jackfruit! At just under 4kg, it weighed the same as my newborn niece. I dutifully dipped my knife and hands in oil and proceeded to chop it up. The oil helps stop the latex substance that the fruits exude from sticking to everything. In hindsight, I needed more oil. I had just enough to make the knife tricky to hold but not enough to stop me from spending 10 minutes afterwards scraping chewing gum-like goo off my hands! Gross. But it was worth it. I pre-boiled the pieces and shredded them, giving me several ziplock baggies in the future for delicious sloppy jackfruit burgers (think pulled pork!). You can find the recipe on my website.


I love gardening, and growing my own food and plants in general. I’ve been working on our current garden in subtropical Brisbane for the last five years but have been gardening for much longer in all sorts of places. I’m an ex-engineer, recently turned horticulturist (life’s too short not to work in something you love!). I grow edibles and ornamentals in an often wild, rambling jungle, filled with birds and bugs, including a handful of pet chooks and a dog (though to be honest you’re more likely to find him inside on the couch). Find out more at www.girlinthegreen.com.au.

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