Men’s Shed members find their groove for mental health - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Wynnum Manly Men’s Shed members making music. Photo: Supplied.


The Wynnum Manly and District Men’s Shed recognises and encourages music in many forms. It remains synonymous with improving mental health by bringing joy to the human heart and lifting flagging spirits.

Jam sessions are popular at the Men’s Shed, not only because they allow players to play together, but also because they are a good method for improving skills and giving players an opportunity to perform in a group situation.

With our fantastic machinery, some skilful members choose to make their own instruments, and experienced guitar makers are always willing to assist and pass on their knowledge to those setting out on this intricate adventure.

One talented member, an ex-drummer, made a drum kit out of boxes and suitcases to play with the band – an exercise of pure genius!

The Shed also has an extensive DVD and CD collection, so members can swap their CDs to maintain an endless supply of new music to gladden their hearts.

At the Men’s Shed, music truly is food for the soul, and a healthy option for contentment and peace of mind.

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