The Waterloo Bay Leisure Centre is not just for seniors! - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

The Waterloo Bay Leisure Centre library, where High Teas are served. Photo: Supplied.


Let’s bust the misconception that Waterloo Bay Leisure Centre (WBLC) is a ‘Senior Centre’. When the building was opened in 1978, it was exclusively for people over 50; however, during the ’90s, membership was opened to people of all ages, and the ‘50 and Over’ was removed from our title.

Today, the WBLC has become a hub for activities and events for all ages. During the day (Monday to Friday), we still cater mainly to the older population with various activities. We have recently welcomed Maggie Moo Music, which is music play for babies and toddlers, and our Tuesday leather class has welcomed a couple of home-schooled children to learn the craft.

Some of our regular events are bi-monthly markets, encompassing the historic Shire Clerk’s Cottage and grounds, and two Community Concerts are held each month.

We are the home base monthly for The Repair Café and weekly for Boomerang Bags. The Wynnum Fringe has held several events at our venue in the past few years. We have been hosts of a number of well-known live acts such as Dragon, Eurogliders and Russell Morris under the banner of Bayside Music Hall, and more recently, we have welcomed The Drop Bear Comedy Club, with more of these occasions in the pipeline.

The Wynnum Manly Eisteddfod has been based at WBLC for over 40 years and runs during May.

Regular activities include craft groups, quilting, leatherwork, indoor bowls, table tennis and two art groups. Zumba and line dancing are held three times a week.

Our commercial kitchen produces hundreds of freshly cooked and frozen meals for sale to the public for just $6, as well as serving meals at our concerts and morning teas to our groups. Our High Teas, served in our beautiful library, are also very popular with members and guests.

Community groups use our venue for fundraising events at reduced hire fees, but we welcome bookings for all types of occasions. In the main building, the auditorium seats 300 people, and the activity room will seat 80. For small meetings, etc., the library can seat up to 14 around our conference table. We also have a room beneath the cottage with kitchen facilities that accommodates 20 people.

For 46 years, Waterloo Bay Leisure Centre has been run entirely by volunteers.

For enquiries for classes or bookings, please phone 3396 9488 during business hours.

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