Young and old connections spark generational joy - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


The young and the young at heart – there simply can’t be a better combination.

Local aged care home, Regis Wynnum, is proud to be part of an intergenerational connection program with Edge Early Learning. Each month, residents from the popular aged care home visit the early learning centre to spend time with the children. This monthly activity has become something that residents and children look forward to as it helps maintain a connection between generations.

“I love going to see the children, they are so clever, and they know just what they are doing,” said Regis Wynnum resident Joy.

“I think it is just so lovely here – all the children are so lovely,” said Regis resident Nancy.

The program has been a great success and has allowed for meaningful conversations between different generations. It also provides an opportunity for the elderly to share their life experiences with younger generations while allowing children to learn more about their elders and gain a greater appreciation of our shared history.

The residents of Regis Wynnum are supported to maintain their connections with the community and are encouraged to build new ones.

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