Get to know the women of Wynnum Manly via podcast - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Photos by Allana Bianchi.

Allana Bianchi started the Women of Wynnum Manly podcast in 2022, and has interviewed 36 incredible women who contribute to the Bayside community in various ways. All episodes encourage guests to share their story about the journey they took to live in this beautiful community, and what they love about it.

Podcast guests have ranged from business owners, authors, artists, a long-term family day care provider and many others who form the fabric of this amazing community. Allana aims for diverse voices and experiences to be represented when considering guests for inclusion in the podcast.

If you have any recommendations for future episodes, you can contact Allana through the Women of Wynnum Manly podcast Facebook or Instagram pages. You can listen to episodes through Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or go to

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