Here’s to Life expands its programs for fun, fitness and friendship - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

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Here’s to Life (H2L) is expanding its offerings in 2024 to include extra Buff Bones, Jazz with Pizzazz, beginner’s classical ballet, and additional Dancercise programs tailored for individuals living with a disability.

“We’re all about fun, fitness and friendship,” says Sue Harvey, H2L’s general manager.

An integral aspect of H2L is offering programs specifically tailored for individuals living with intellectual and/or physical disabilities. Dancercise, art/crafts, and drumming/percussion are included in these offerings, providing a chance to engage in thoughtfully designed and organised activities. These sessions take place in a vibrant, friendly, and colourful environment, led by enthusiastic and highly qualified instructors with extensive experience.

Jeremy has been a member of H2L since his school days in 2009. He finds joy in the camaraderie of fellow participants at H2L and regularly joins outings with his support workers every alternate day. These outings encompass a variety of activities such as cinema trips, basketball games, mini-golf sessions, lawn bowls, ten pin bowling, basketball matches, and fishing excursions. Additionally, Jeremy cherishes spending time with his dog, Cloe, whom he frequently takes for walks. While Jeremy hasn’t received an official diagnosis for his condition, he exhibits several symptoms consistent with intellectual impairment. He participates in H2L classes, including Dancercise, Art Therapy, and Djembe (African drumming), with Djembe being his preferred activity.

Madelaine, aged 26, grapples with a delayed learning disability alongside autism and epilepsy. She derives immense pleasure from participating in dance and exercise classes, as well as art sessions. Over the past six years, she has been an active member of Here’s to Life. Beyond her involvement in these activities, Madelaine finds joy in pursuits such as walking, biking, attending aqua classes, and contributing to the Endeavour Foundation.

Sue highlights that drumming, backed by documented evidence, offers benefits for a wide range of conditions, including Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, Alzheimer’s Disease, chronic pain, cancer, depression, and stress.
It’s truly remarkable in its scope.

If you’re seeking programs that are medically endorsed, providing a comprehensive workout for bone strengthening and balance, and are suitable for individuals with osteoporosis, Buff Bones® is the ideal choice. Alternatively, if you’re looking to lower your heart rate, decrease blood pressure, and reduce stress, Sue suggests giving the H2L singing program a try.

For more information, check out the website or phone Renee 0408 717 342 or
email [email protected]. You’ll be so glad you did!

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