Local artist profile: Laura Lewis - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Laura and her partner Warren at the opening of the Kaleidoscope Exhibition. Photo: Supplied.


Being back in the old school building stirred memories for local artist and Wynnum Manly Arts Council’s Kaleidoscope Art Exhibition participant, Laura Lewis.

Laura attended Wynnum Central Primary between 1975 and 1981 – the location that is now a community building that hosts events such as the annual Kaleidoscope Exhibition.

When Laura began school at Wynnum Central in 1975, there were about 1000 students, and by the time she left, there were only about 300.

Laura felt very emotional being back in the room where she learnt screen printing. She also remembers learning ballroom dancing during her school years at Wynnum. Laura lives, thrives and falters with a mental illness.

On the topic of Special Ed support during this time, Laura recalled that they withdrew disabled students and educated them in a segregated environment. As you would expect, this drew much attention and teasing to the children who required additional support. Whilst Laura had no known disability at that time, she said she “worked mightily hard at fitting in”.

Laura says she is very much an “inclusive education advocate” moving forward. Earlier this year, Laura felt honoured when she was asked to speak at AIFS 2022 Conference Putting Families at the Centre.

With a toolbox of methods to manage her illness, Laura speaks openly about her struggles and wishes to impart the knowledge that she also uses her art to deal with the daily stressors in her life.

Laura’s painting Think Positive expresses that this is not the answer to respond to mental illness but to consider other support mechanisms to enable those suffering to cope with daily life.

You can follow Laura on Instagram at lauralwisautisticadhder

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