Naturally wonderful…with Ranger Stacey - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Photo: Supplied.


Native animals…furry, feathered, scaly, and even spiny, are on the move! It’s happening now, right across Redlands Coast and beyond, with peak activity around dawn and dusk.

Each evening under the cover of darkness, nocturnal animals like koalas and possums, head out for a wild night in the forest, including the urban environment.

We’ve all seen the impressive tightrope skills of possums on powerlines and branches, but did you know these marsupials use five or six nest sites within their home range?

The koala sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day, yet these bulbous-nosed Aussie icons also have an established home range. They move about in search of gourmet gum leaves, or a mate in breeding season. They achieve a lot in the short time they’re awake!

Before the sun comes up, the party animals embark on their journey home for shelter and a daytime snooze.

Sounds idyllic, doesn’t it?

However, native animals often need to cross over roads, and the tree-dwelling animals must descend to the ground. It’s dangerous … even for swift wallabies and kangaroos.

The next few months is an especially dangerous time of year for many species, as more cars are on the roads, in low light given shorter daylight hours, when wildlife are on the move.

Sadly, records show that birds, possums, echidnas, wallabies, koalas, and reptiles are the most common species impacted on our roads. On average about thirty koalas are struck by cars each year across the Redlands Coast, and right now, joeys that are around one-year old are preparing to disperse from mum to begin an independent life.

For you and me, crossing a busy road can be challenging, so spare a thought for animals.

Heed the wildlife warning signs, don’t exceed the speed limit, keep an eye out for movement by the roadside, and pay attention to social media posts.

For emergencies call Redlands 24-hour Wildlife Rescue Service 3833 4031.

It could just save a life! Until next time … Stay Wild!

Ranger Stacey

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