Separation checklist must-haves - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

According to ABS figures, divorce in Australia is on the rise while the number of those taking wedding vows continues to plummet.

Danielle Dick, Practice Leader and Senior Associate from Australian Family Lawyers, said more Australians than ever are going through separation and divorce, but they shouldn’t have to do it alone. “At this most confusing and vulnerable time, it’s essential they are adequately equipped with the right information and resources for this challenging process,” said Danielle.

To help more Aussies smoothly navigate the separation process, Australian Family Lawyers offers the following tips:

  1. Obtain objective third-party advice first: Therapists and family lawyers play a pivotal role in divorce and separation, especially for those without a support network. They provide sound, objective advice without the bias of personal relationships.
  2. Begin with an online search: In a divorce, Google is your friend. Start by researching a reputable law firm to represent you, or look for community legal centres if you’re short on cash.
  3. Take cyber security seriously: Ensure your digital footprint is secure. This includes updating passwords across all accounts and platforms and turning off iCloud sharing if you’re on iOS. Consider having a trusted friend or family handle payments if you’re keen to avoid raising suspicion.
  4. For the homemakers: Homemakers often feel trapped in marriages due to financial dependency and children. If possible, they should try to be actively involved in the family’s finances by paying bills and taking an interest in the household budget. They should also look to local community centres and churches for additional support.
  5. Parenting post-separation: It’s imperative to establish a parenting plan if children are involved. A written agreement will help work out things like who gets the children at Christmas.

“There are a number of stubborn myths that persist when it comes to separation and divorce,” says Danielle.

“Chief among these is the idea that living together for six months automatically grants you de facto status. There’s a lot more to it than that – for example if you have kids or if there’s significant financial interdependence.

“Then there’s the belief that infidelity has an influence on separation proceedings – it doesn’t, but domestic violence does. Lastly, there’s the belief that custody automatically goes to the mother. The reality is the parent who is best suited to provide care is the one who will be mandated to care for the child.”

To find out more, call Australian Family Lawyers on 1300 678 830.

Mention “The Community Leader” to claim your complimentary 30-minute consultation.


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